Mike Philippov: what's wrong with your sweep picking

Mike Philippov says:
If you began to read this article, chances are that you have been working on your sweep picking technique and struggled with improving it. If this sounds like you, then I want to show you how to avoid the 4 most common technical pitfalls that many guitarists fall into when trying to improve their sweep picking.

. These four problem areas typically do not occur in isolation. Typically if you have one of the four problems described below, you have the others to some degree also. The good news though is that once you work on fixing at least one of these problems, the others tend to improve as well (it works both ways). As you read on, you will understand why.

If you want me to show you on video how to correctly practice the following ideas in this article, you can watch a (totally free) 20 minute sweep picking video lesson at my web site that is available to my free newsletter subscribers. Otherwise, I will do my best to explain these technical points to you using text alone
full lesson
