Chris Pallas: the camera may be bust but the playing isn't... shred this!

Truth In Shredding fans should recall Chris Pallas for his recent win of the Sound Of Summer petruccifever competition, so I really appreciate the time taken to get this one live.

Chris Pallas says:
Hi friends! This is my entry for the "Shred This" competition held by Rick Graham, Tom Quayle and Laurie Monk (thanks so much for the organization guys, you're making all youtube guitarists communicate and unite as one)!

This video has some great new stuff from me:
1) New HD cam *which is defunct so I recorded at the 2nd best resolution cause it was messing badly*, probably not so great video quality for HD but hey, it's my first time here
2) First video with the sound of my Mesa Boogie properly recorded with a decent mic (channel 2 was used, big challenge for me to play with a mid-gain sound) and lastly
3) First *home* video that I am playing standing u! lol xD
Also some post-production was done to polish the track with some effects and an intro!

Anyway, the backing track proved really really inspiring and at least I had a great time playing over it, let's hope you'll have equally great time watching it :)

Peace and good luck to all my co-competants!

Chris Pallas - "Shred This" Competition Entry
