News: I Heart Guitar mega birthday giveaway!

I heart Guitar birthday giveaway! Look it's full of prizes. Visit I Heart Guitar to found out how to enter:

1st Prize
1 LiquiFire 7
1 Crunch Lab 7
1 2 inch black nylon cliplock strap
1 Blk Instrument cable
1 Blk Jumper cable

From Australasian Music Supplies (Aussie Dunlop/MXR distributors)
Signed Dunlop Kerry King poster
Dunlop Kerry King shirt

10 I Heart Guitar picks

2nd Prize
From DiMarzio
1 Urban Decay leather strap in white
1 hot pink instrument cable

From Australasian Music Supplies
Kerry King signature strings
Crybaby shirt

From Grover Allman
10 I Heart Guitar picks

Runner-up (X3)
From Australasian Music Supplies
1 set of Dunlop strings
Crybaby shirt

From Grover Allman
5 I Heart Guitar picks

To get your hands on this sweet sweet booty (and there might be more to come - I think DiMarzio may also be sending some shirts and other stuff in addition to what's listed above, and Chris from Riot said he'd throw in some CDs and posters but he's on holiday this week!), email me at with your name and location. Winners will be drawn at random on September 16. I promise I won't use your email for any purpose other than informing you if you win.
