Richard Daudé: night pursuits legato lesson

Rescued from Essential Guitarist:

Legato Pursuits :: Finger Twisting Fun by Richard Daude

Transcriptions and text by Richard Daude
Hi everybody! The following figure (fig.1) is a good example of my vison of shred.

It combines hammering on, pulling off, sliding and tapped noted to create a smooth and flowing sound. This lick is created around the C major scale and includes some chromatic ideas that represent the huge influence Jazz has had on my playing.

I use the middle finger and ring finger of my right hand to play the tapped notes.

I recommend you try this lick over an F major chord (lydian sound) and a D minor 7 chord (dorian sound) or over any kind of riff in the key of C major.

The most difficult aspect of legato\tapping techniques is to stay in rhythm, so pracice this lick at a slow tempo, memorize the fingering and be sure to stay in time with the pulse.

An example of this kind of phrasing can be heard on the intro to my song "Night Pursuits" on my latest CD "All that Jazz".

Hope you all enjoy!


Click here for an audio clip of the following examples

Click here for an audio clip of "Night Pursuits"

Figure 1 ::

Click here to download this lesson in Powertab
