Chris Brooks: Guitar Noize " great to have such incredible talent on my doorstep"

My favourite riff on the album is ‘Feeding The Myth‘ which apparently Chris has been toying with since 1997, throwing it in at soundchecks etc. and finally built an excellent Funky Rock track around it with some astonishing playing, for me this track alone puts Chris up there with the best guitar players on the planet, such incredible technique, feel, tone and phrasing. The section with Chris and Rick Graham trading solos is really cool I’d love to see a video of these guys performing together.

This album is not just another shred album that shows off a players abilities rather than their musicianship, Chris has created a great album full of melodic rock and fusion that is both enjoyable to listen to and, as a guitarist myself, inspiring. It’s great to have such incredible talent on my doorstep. more
