Vinnie Moore, Jonathan Grell, Laurie Monk: Time Machine - Stanton T92

OK, I've singularly failed to nail the chronoscopes for my initial design for my time machine... so, as a stop gap, I decided that it was time to implement plan B, aka get the quartz Locked direct drive record deck, aka the Stanton T92 USB turntable, attach by S/PDIF coaxial interconnect to Onyko 7.1 surround sound amp, whack up the volume (technical term that means set the volume control for 11) and sit back.

So over to the record collection, look through over 500 plus LP's to try and pick out an appropriate first LP to play. They sit there a wall of cardboard clad, vinyl masterpieces. Getting an excited glance after having lived in a boxed exile for over 15 years. God so many to choose from... must pick something obscure...that's it, I got it! So first up... "Winter Cat" featuring guitarist Jonathan Grell, this guy has precision picking in Winterkat's version of the Jimi Hendrix classic "Little Wing"... I am slightly worried, may be a little scared... what if they were warped, scratched, just unplayable? I reach in to the decorated sleeve and take out black round 12" slab of cold pressed vinyl. Gingerly I place it down, I lift the anti skate enabled, Ortofon headed steel arm over the fragle cargo... blue lights tell me the power is on, I engage direct drive... bingo!

I need not have worried, perfect! A little rounder than the pin sharp crystal clarity of CD sound, may be like vat of amontillado, rich, warm and full. Next up Vinnie Moore and Minds Eye! A full album, I'm now recalling why albums were so great... I sit down, pour over the cover... hey I didn't remember that it was Larry Di Marzio who took the photo on the back cover! I listen to the first track... "In Control"... yeah! It doesn't stop... we roll through side one, no fast forward, no skipping a track, just me and the record.

I might have solved part of the problem. Note to self... delay the final tweaks to the Atavachron time machine... and get a bottle of Grecian 2000.

Unboxing the Stanton T92
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Stanton T92 in place
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Winkerkat, an obscure album
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Jonathan Grell is on the reverse
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Inside Vinnie Moore's Minds Eye
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The back cover, photo by Larry DiMarzio
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Derek Oliver says "I can guarantee you if you are into screaming guitar histrionics then this will be your album of the decade"
From instant upload
