Michael Angelo Batio: Intermezzo - finished rhythm guitars

Michael Angelo Batio:  Hello everyone. Again, I would like to thank you for the tremendous response my "Intermezzo" album project has received here at Kickstarter. We did this together and I can't thank you enough! I finished the Rhythm Guitars yesterday and now we will be starting the Bass Guitar tracks. Over the years I have used numerous different Bass Players on my records, but I also play Bass. And IMHO, I am a great Bass Player. Humbly stated! :-) I don't try to play Bass Guitar like I play Lead Guitar. When I used to do a lot of session and studio work, I played Bass on many of the songs as well as guitar. The reason I am saying all of this is that for this record - because of the complexities of the music and the way I want the Bass approached, I am playing the Bass myself. I also played Bass Guitar on my first 3 solo albums which are - "No Boundaries," "Planet Gemini" and "Tradition." I will be using a 5 string Dean Bass guitar with active pick ups. It has already been restrung and intonated to perfection! I am starting tomorrow morning on the first song. I am really happy with the way the 7 string rhythms have sounded as well as the key board parts that I also recorded. The Bass to me, is the glue that holds a record together. The Drums are the foundation. The Guitars, Key boards and everything else add color and style to the record. I can't wait to start recording the Bass Guitar tracks! This is going to be fun!!!!!!!!! I'll post another update very soon!
  • 173 backers
  • $21,649 pledged of $15,000 goal
  • 11 days to go
Grab a slice of the action http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/15580365/michael-angelo-batio-intermezzo-album-project
