Daniele Gottardo: in the studio with the woodwind for the new album

Daniele Gottardo:  Hi!  ) preorder your CD
I just launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to finish the recordings in the studio and self-produce my second album. Please take a moment to watch the video and read the text, if you feel led to help, please make a contribution. Just sign up at Indiegogo and choose your perks or do a free donation. In return you can get for 10 Euro the digital download or for 20 Euro my new signed CD before it will be available through the regular channels. I will also give you some special rewards you cannot get anywhere else. You can pay through your PayPal account or credit cards.

Daniele Gottardo
Many thanks to everyone who has contributed so far to my Indiegogo campaign !

Grazie di cuore a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito finora alla mia campagna Indiegogo!

I would love it if you would share this with your friends and on all of your social media platforms. So grateful for your support! Thank you!
