News: need interesting promo images

Thanks to Killerstartups for highlighting this interesting image manipulation tool. Are you board with the sterile promo images you have to promote you or your band? Well look no further... check out Notr you could use any of your phots that come to hand, for example, this recent designer guitar gets the treatment.



Killer startup says:
Much like Photoshop’s Liquefy feature, Gooifier allows you to upload photos to their site and distort them for some hilarious results. The photos that you “Gooify” are displayed in a public gallery at, and users can comment on their favorite modified photos. There is currently a mix of celebrity and every-day photos on the site modified in sometimes funny, sometimes disturbing ways. To “Gooify” a picture simply click on the upload thumbnail and then either upload from your desktop or capture a new photo with your webcam. Next, stretch, bloat or pucker your photo to make yourself look like anything from an alien to someone who hasn’t eaten in a very long time!
