
Jeff Loomis,Keith Merrow: Schecter Artists' release Conquering Dystopia

Jeff Loomis,Keith Merrow: Conquering Dystopia - sampler from the upcoming album - very glad to be part of the fund raiser

Keith Merrow: Schecter guitars artist has come along way!

Jeff Loomis,Keith Merrow: Schecter Guitars UK Guitar Clinics

Jeff Loomis,Keith Merrow: Conquering dystopia at the Grove of Anaheim NAMM

Keith Merrow,Wes Hauch: talk to dangerous guitar at NAMM 2014

Keith Merrow: he's moving so he has some very cool gear to sell!

Jeff Loomis,Keith Merrow: Discuss Networking and Inspiration at the musicians institute

Jeff Loomis,Keith Merrow: Gear Gods coverage of NAMM 2014

Jeff Loomis, Keith Merrow: Schecter Booth NAMM 2014

Keith Merrow: turns the tables and interviews the Tone King at NAMM

Jeff Loomis,Keith Merrow: announce MI clinic date

Rob Chappers,Keith Merrow: 7-string guitar fans go to NAMM 2014

Jeff Loomis,Keith Merrow: Conquering Dystopia - just 20 hours left folks

Jeff Loomis, Keith Merrow: Schecter Hellraiser USA 100w Amp

Keith Merrow,Jeff Loomis: Conquering Dystopia - Collaboration Album Fundraiser

Keith Merrow,Ramon Ortiz: Keith talks Schecter 7-string and rips it up with Ramon!

Keith Merrow, Rob Chapman: The Chapman Guitars ML-7 Project - Final Votes

Keith Merrow, Jeff Loomis, Ola Englund: JamUp "Bro 2.0"

Keith Merrow: loving his Laney Ironheart Studio head