
Niko Tsonev: Noise Reactor and Venetian Poison - Banshees and Harpsichords

Niko Tsonev: Banshees and Harpsichords - New album

Niko Tsonev: interesting non-diatonic min-maj-maj7 harmony transitions

Niko Tsonev: Recording last takes of the new album

Niko Tsonev: Nambucca Club, London. Oct 2012

Niko Tsonev: Kemper KPA-1 Profiling Session

Niko Tsonev: Kemper Profiling Amp and Suhr Badger get jazzy

Niko Tsonev: is new lead guitarist for Steven Wilson Band

Niko Tsonev: Venetian Poison

Niko Tsonev: 2011 Nix Hydra EP Teaser sounding great

Niko Tsonev: Suhr Fusion Jam

Niko Tsonev: exciting new EP on the way

Niko Tsonev: Hunting Jam

Niko Tsonev: Suhr Chambered Classic Strat

Niko Tsonev: studio morning session.

Niko Tsonev: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III - top notch Tsonev!

Niko Tsonev: Samurai Guitarisuto

Niko Tsonev: black feather in the studio

Niko Tsonev, Thomas Blug, Marcus Deml: stunted records

Niko Tsonev: coffee powered fusion