
Martin Goulding, Greg Howe: interview and Greg Howe Style Tapping Lick

Richard Daudé: Le Lead - Two Notes preamp - Shred-Fusion legato tapping improv

Jon Neto: #HufschmidGlowbuckers competition - ballad solo

Samuli Federley: Sunday ballad - tasteful Sunday performance from the Birthday boy

Christina Skjolberg: ripping live performances of Hendrix tunes at Gregers Hamar

Chantel McGregor: Bingley Free Jam session from Chantel,Colin, and Keith filmed at the Bingley Blues Bash 2016

Isao Fujita, Saki: ISAO VS SAKI fighting it out over Dark Matter

Mohini Dey, Federico Malaman: amazing MalaDey - Stunning bass fusion jam

Pablo Romeu: Mechanical Monster - rock fusion solo with TAB

Misha Mansoor: Periphery III Studio Update Two: The Director's Cut