
Lorenzo Venza: Delta Wave Run - Total Shred Guitar

Amaury Cruz: Virgil Donati Eleven guitar cover

Miroslav Mirosavljev: Victim Of Confusion - 350th Daily Solo

Paul Wardingham: Earth 2.0 - The Human Affliction - coming 2014

Andrew Wroblewski: Exivious solo contest - a second solo.

Soichiro Mizuno: Exivious Solo Contest

Martin Schuster: Exivious solo contest

Rodrigo Gouveia: Exivious Solo Contest

Ethan Brosh,Nili Brosh: San Diego - Brick by Brick 2013

Brett Garsed,Stuart Fraser: antipodean Christmas Melody!

Dorian Avila: Epilogue (for Lisa) by Shawn Lane - acoustic tribute to the fallen maestro

Joe Pinnavaia: Schecter 007 Elite Jam - JCA5212rc

Gustavo Di Padua: Guitar Solos- Almah