
Dennis de Bruijn: test a new camera with some well executed sweeping licks

Fran Alonso: Palmer Distortion Pedal put to good melodic use

Paul Gilbert: ultimate guitar interview

Marty Friedman: Europe+ tour dates

Jim Root: Slipknot tour plans from NAMM

Alexandre Bicudo: return of Mr "Fusion" Bico!

Rusty Cooley: Guitar Asylum debut date announced!

Yngwie Malmsteen: Seymour Duncan YJM Pickups NAMM

Jon Bloomer: Guitar Noize Shred Master Exercises - new product

Salvo Vecchio,Claudio Cordero, Rafael Nery, Jonas Tamas: Guitar Chef cooks up some interviews

News: Play that riff- get those solos in!

Jess Lewis: 'Feeling Fine' by Alex Hutchings

Stelios Sfikakis: Wins Live 4 Guitar 3rd competition