
Jeff Hughell: Creating Chaos within the Labyrinth By Daniel Gonzalez

Timo Somers: Leah CD trio available for pre order

Thobbe Englund: Sabaton guitarist announces - From the Wilderness

Alan Morse, Ted Leonard: Spock's Beard new album and tour dates

Guthrie Govan, Bryan Beller, Marco Minnemann: Tres Caballeros revealed - Plus Updated North American Tour Dates!

Júlio Stotz: new EP teaser #2

Isao Fujita, Gianluca Ferro: Quick Tour at the Battle Cry Sound In Tokyo

Syu Merupakan: ESP Guitars - Demonstration featuring Syu

Per Nilsson: shred shenanigans and a screaming menage à trois

Sergey Golovin: Music Man Axis - Fluid Punch - super cool jamming

Richard Daudé: technical difficulties - not really... just a mini guitar!!!

Eric Calderone: The Avengers Meets Metal

Sylwia Urban: Dream Theater - Overture 1928 - killer!