
Sam Birchall: JTC Contest Final - Occulting Light

Pablo Romeu: JTC Contest Final - The Chain Bridge

Lee Luland: JTC Contest Final - My Invisible Sun

Cacá Barros: JTC Contest Final - The Flaming Sword

Akihiko Onji: JTC Contest Final - Two Handed Jam

Brian Maillard: JTC Contest Final - Spirit Of The Times

Morgan Reid: JTC Contest Final - Trust Was A Knife

Kenny Serane: JTC Contest Final - Sweet Euterpê

George Greaves: JTC Contest Final - It's All Good

Benjamin Ellis: JTC Contest Final - 'Storm The Sun'

Hedras Ramos: Yorktown Cort in stunning form from this young guitarist.

News: Monster Energy Aftershock Festival - line up details

Edward Box: The Stanton Files - Arch Stanton - new album available