
John Browne: Flux Conduct - Qatsi - album stream

Walter Trout: Battle Scars - describes how close to death he was before the transplant

Chris Bieniek: Taurus 4.SL Stomp Head Funk Fusion Demo: Clean/Crunch - Lead

Dean Murphy: Lying Through Your Teeth - 8 string instrumental

Alan Nimmo: King King's nationwide UK tour starts October 21

Carl Mörner Ringström: plays John Coltrane's "Countdown"

Sam Bell: High Tech Shred - Skype lesson are available

Luis Kalil: Keeper Alive (live at Uprising Metal Fest)

Marty Friedman: Ramona Mainstage - 626 Main St. Ramona Ca 92065

Larry Carlton: Tokyo1993 and Live in Seoul 2005

Beau Diakowicz: Things 11 - eclectic mix of jazzy glissando licks

Norifumi Shima: Concerto Moon's guitarist shredding it up!

Rob Chapman: How I Make Videos - Tips and tricks tutorial, gear, editing and software - MUST SEE