
Nita Strauss: Ibanez clinics 3 UK dates just added to this clinic run!

News: Dr. No. Announces New Evil MotherFuzzer Pedal

Guthrie Govan, Steve Via, Joe Satriani: The Aristocrats - G3 Concert Dates with Joe Satriani and Steve Vai - G3 Summer 2016

News: Cort Introduces All Mahogany Acoustic Guitars

Christian Muenzner: The Talisman featuring Jimmy Pitts

Peter Frampton: Premier Guitar - Rig Rundown

Takayoshi Ohmura: Power OF Reality - Phrase Commentary - more top shred from Japan

Leah Woodward: .Strandberg* and Diezel Amps - Aliases Guitar Playthrough #4

Kelly Simonz: Still Got The Blues

Damian Salazar: crazy street version of The Wall