
George Marios: Kody - The Powerful Sessions

Brad Bradbury: Funk Rock Backing Track in E.

Lari Basílio: Maati Baani Solo 2 + Moko Kahaan Original Song

Nili Brosh: "Silence of Saturday" Solo

Magnus Karlsson, Mike Terrana: The Ferrymen - Eyes on the Sky

Kurt James: Dr Mastermind Dance of the Demons - smoking soloing

George Cherouvim: ArkOvLies - The Dusk

Roberto Restuccia: When The Smoke Clears

Derryl Gabel: Allan Holdsworth The Drums Were Yellow Solo

Rob Guz: Tokyo Dream - theme in 11-stringed rendition

Yana Kokh: Eric Johnson - SRV

Lee Wrathe: Saturday Shred on the Ibanez S5570Q RBB

Jake Cloudchair, Tokie: playing with One Control pedals