
Chris Gordon: in the mode for Lydian

Chris Gordon: Steely Dan inspired - Red jam Special

Chris Gordon: Closet Chronicles Two Outside - great Stream Of Consciousness improvisation

Chris Gordon: Closet Chronicles One - Stream Of Consciousness

Chris Gordon: Rockett pedals - Shredding the Animal

Chris Gordon: Rockett Animal - A mixolydian jam

Chris Gordon: time for some Sunny jam

Chris Gordon: heart felt tribute to Chris's late father

Chris Gordon: scalloped Strat Maude gets a spanking

Chris Gordon: shredding for the Mad Trio album

Chris Gordon: muscling through Sunny

Chris Gordon: Abigail's Crossing - demo track

Chris Gordon: Strat scalloped and shredded... with a red wine jus

Chris Gordon: jam time

Chris Gordon: Single Malt fusion

Chris Gordon: Pungance - tasty fusion original

Chris Gordon: Mixo Jam

Chris Gordon: Building speed

Chris Gordon: Daniele Gottardo competition #2

Chris Gordon: Daniele Gottardo competition