
Pete Pachio: BAd Karma CD guests coming soon

Pete Pachio, Adrian English: DFRO

Pete Pachio: Daniele Gottardo super emotion soaked solo

Pete Pachio: gets Revolt Amps, bad Karma mod!

Pete Pachio: gets Revolt Amps, bad Karma mod!

Pete Pachio: Bad Karma CD on the way.

Pete Pachio: Bernie Rico Jr. 30 Seconds Of Fame

Pete Pachio: Guitar fusion contest - punishing his guitar!

Pete Pachio: Blue Bug solo competition - another class solo!

Pete Pachio: update on progress of new CD

Pete Pachio: "No Friend Of Mine" top notch shredding!!!

Pete Pachio: Andy James shredding competition ALERT smoking notes!

Pete Pachio: TRex Milan Polak Strings on fire 2 - ALERT face melting licks!

Pete Pachio: frozen by fire solo

Pete Pachio: Marco Sfogli's shred this too

Pete Pachio: unleash the beast

Pete Pachio, Michael Angelo Batio, Vinnie Moore, Paul Gilbert, Bruce Bouillet: the summer of 1987

Pete Pachio: desolation sect shred solo!

Pete Pachio: soundtrack deal!

Pete Pachio: desolation sect shred!