
Jean-Dominique Leonelli: Jean Fontanille competition

Jan Laurenz: Christmas is a cat!

Fletcher Barton: jam for Christmas!

Jimi Hendrix: win a custom guitar!

Jennifer Batten: interview

Mike Campese: acoustishred

Volker Scheidt: slow and beautiful #1

Kenny Serane: very classy!

Jose Galicia: the music box competition!

Todd Duane: the First Noel!

Ignazio Di Salvo: in my veins

News: last minute Christmas present ideas

Marius Pop: Marco Sfogli's shred this too

Michael Delgado: Marco Sfogli's Shred This Too

Mark McGuigan: shreddy Christmas

Paulo Barros: clinic. Amadora 18 . XII . 2009

Brett Garsed: Chris Buck and the Mesa Boogie!

Daniele Gottardo: jazz rock!

Yasuo Yamamoto: rising sun shred!

Akira Takasaki: re-release of Live Loudest At The Budokan '91

Tom Morello: rage against x-factor - Thank you

Zakk Wylde: discusses his health

Fredrik Thordendal: Meshuggah live DVD

Mick Cocks: RIP, one for the fallen