
Kevin Peters: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III - more unbelievable crazy tapping!!!

Alex Peptanariu: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III - fusion from Romania

Kris Barras: Tapping and Legato Lick

News: The Music Center Online blog

John Norum: “Balls 'N' Banners" Europe UK tour dates

Joe Pinnavaia: Circular Picking

Andres Ludmer: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III - customised Suhr solo!

Brett Garsed: master class

Stefan Neldner: bass player moonlights as guitar player

Marc Playle: incredible tribute to Joe Satriani

Michael Angelo Batio,Andreas Haukenes: MAB shows what a true guitar star he is.

Adam Horita: Brett Garsed DiMarzio shred this III

Achilleas Diamantis: legato demo from Different Colour 2010