
Christophe Godin: clinic PureMusic Electric Laney

Jake Guy: Elevation new track sounding great!

Jeff Loomis, Keith Merrow: Jeff jamming on new material

Muris Varajic, Emir Hot: Crazy licks for Racer X

Alan Hernandez: Blue Bug Competition

David Locke: Locked and loaded for the Blue Bug competition

Andy Giebe: Blue Bug Competition

Északi Szabolcs: Blue Bug competition - super solo!

Cinthya Blackcat: Rhapsody "trolls in the dark"

Daniele Liverani, Tommy Ermolli: Prime Suspect new CD

Guthrie Govan: clinic date for MMI in Milan draws near!

Ignazio Di Salvo: Guitar Addiction solo competition - cool solo alert

Paul Gilbert: LIVE Silver Church Club Bucharest