
Krisztian Lovrek: new EP promo

Daniele Gottardo: Frenzy of Ecstasy on Axe Magazine 159 - Italian

Pete Pachio: Bernie Rico Jr. 30 Seconds Of Fame

Tim Morrison: from clean to melodic chop on new Ibanez RG 320 FA

Tristan Klein: a little blue shredding on eleven rack lead 800

Tony Waka: a little late night shredding

Levi Clay: Guitar Fusion Contest - great solo

Jon Bloomer: Fret-King Super-matic

David Wallimann: Minor Pentatonic Scales Lesson Pack Promo

News: technology still a threat

Északi Szabolcs: Miki Birta competition #2

Puguh Kribo: Indonesia fusion funk competition

Pete Pachio: Guitar fusion contest - punishing his guitar!