
Giacomo Castellano,Gianni Rojatti: Racer Cafe - ripping performances from new EP

Miroist: Curve - now available on vinyl, in limited edition transparent blue

Stel Andre: #Bicio #DVMark Competition - tasty soloing!

Brian Raine: Inebriate - Ways In Waves - .strandberg* Boden 8 dem)

Prashant Aswani: ESP guitars demos

Alex Richie: Vigier Excalibur Shawn Lane Master - test drive

Anderson Tocci: Anderson Tocci with a little tribute to Centrifugal Funk

Truth In Shredding: passes 6,000,000 page views!

Rick Graham: plays 'Manhattan' by Eric Johnson

Marcel Coenen: improvising OSV solo and jamming with Godscum