
Nori Bucci: Gamalon - The Dark - by Nori

Chris Brasil, Gabriele Lazzerini: Jam On Sunny Brazil meets Italy in the guitar final

Richard Daudé: BB King tribute and solo flash smoother than a very smooth thing

Eric Calderone: World Meets Metal

Kirill Konyaev: "Old Fashioned" playthrough

Jason Sadites: Quick Lick #19 - slippery A Dominan

Reece Fullwood: ESP LTD H1007FR demo and review

Stuart Hamm: talks chord shapes on Technique and Tone, EMGtv

Sean Baker: Coming up Roses from ShredGuy records release "Game On!!" - smoking!!

Divaldi Addina: Speed Kills - No Boundaries - Peavey VYPYR-VIP2

Juha Siirilä: Instrumental Rock Group DIP Releases Debut EP

Tom Quayle: Laney Artist!

Irene Ketikidi: Catch - Lick Lesson - Shred on column - classy soloing with tab!