
Fabrizio Chiruzzi: Riding a blue sky - new track

Wataru Nagao: Lalle Larsson's Weaveworld City Of Lost Souls and Frost* Milliontown

Yvette Young: polymath "Hydra" delivered on a plate for EMGtv

Nili Brosh: ripping it up at the recent One Day Fest II 2015

Tony MacAlpine: One Day Fest II

Aquiles Priester, Gustavo Carmo: Greg Howe, Vinnie Moore, Tony MacAlpine, Nili Brosh: Our Lives, 13 Years Later... CD available

Ronny Heimdal: Over stokk og stein - 2015 - great fusion

Andy Gillion: Escape - new Orchestral compostion posted on sound cloud

Dean Murphy: test the guitar arsenal and find out if it Djents!

Martin Miller: tracking a solo for Levi Clay