
Nili Brosh: Available for Skype Lessons in 2016!

Yvette Young: Truth In Shredding - Win 1 of 5 copies of the new Currents EP by Covet

Richie Kotzen, Billy Sheehan, Mike Portnoy: The Winery Dogs - The Saban Theater - Jack Lue Series

Popa Chubby: Mexicali Live Joan Mallotides aka BluesBroad 2015

Carl Mörner Ringström: Jamming on Blink - Loads of weird notes to enjoy

Marc Okubo: Veil Of Maya - Aeris - Featuring Natsumi Suzuki - professional djent

Jason Richardson: "Follow The Signs" major arpeggios shred fest

Damir Puh: JTC Jam of the month - December 2015

David Wallimann, Dweezil Zappa, Sam Bell, Muris Varajic: Instrumental Progressive Rock Album - Final Stage!

Danny Bryant: latest UK and Europe Dates updated