
Steeves Austin: Flamencore - Steeves Austin vs Vicente Amigo - flamenco metal mashup

Roy Marchbank: Talks Technique! Unbelievable Alternate Picking - check out the pick!

Marco Sfogli, Tom Quayle, Alessandro Benvenuti: The Elba Triangle - teaser for the massive rock fusion project featuring some of the best rock fusion players on the planet

Sam Birchall: Spice Up Your Solos With These Modern Rhythmic Licks!

Saaghs Dantas: Bach - Suite I BWV 1007 - two hands and two guitars in a "V"

Remy Hansen: live at Parking Toys 2016

Simon Kinny-Lewis, Anton Davidyants, T J Helmerich: Strat Attack - track previews

Steve Vai: Guitar Town Festival - Colorado - 2015

Paul Gilbert, Bruce Bouillet: Rock Guitar Google Hangout

Igor Paspalj: Chillaxe - Axe Fx II using FAS lead amp.