
Yoshinori Seki: Atonal ( 12 -tone technique ) line

Simon Peter King: MAMA Historic '59 Pickup DEMO!

Rob Marcello: favorite Hughes and Kettner GrandMeister 36 sounds

Kiko Loureiro: Megadeth's Rig Rundown

Brandon Gan: Strandberg Boden Plini Signature - clean tones

Graham Pin Pinney, Leah Woodward: shredding it up on Aliases' Everything Is Upon Us from the new album Derangeable

Merel Bechtold, Timo Somers: Delain @ City National Grove of Anaheim 2016 Jack Lue Series

Gus Drax: Symbol Of Life (Sunburst Playthrough)

Vernon Reid, Doug Wimbish: Premier Guitar Rig Rundown

Ty Tabor, John Myung, Rod Morgenstein: Stain On The Sun - The Jelly Jam