
Jess Lewis: Milestones - Jamie Findley Arrangement - Eternal Guitars hollow strat

Gretchen Menn: Minor Swing performed

Matheus Novaes: Erudite Stoner by Erudite Stoner instrumental neoclassical post-rock shoegaze from Brazil

Tiago Skiter: Another video of Improv series

Mike Gianelli: 909X Gravity and Manipulator live on EMGtv

Tomo Fujita: Phrasing demo / Sunny Chord Changes / Boss RC-1

Wes Thrailkill: Repetition in Regression - Mammoth - Kiesel Carvin Guitars

Joel Hoekstra: teaches you how to spice up your chord progressions

Yoshinori Seki: Atonal ( 12 -tone technique ) line

Simon Peter King: MAMA Historic '59 Pickup DEMO!

Rob Marcello: favorite Hughes and Kettner GrandMeister 36 sounds

Kiko Loureiro: Megadeth's Rig Rundown

Brandon Gan: Strandberg Boden Plini Signature - clean tones