
Victor Wooten: the Hartke TX600 Bass Amplifier

Tomáš Raclavský: Modern Day Babylon - Brute Force Canada Tour 2016

Franck Hermanny: Ibanez SR Fanned Frets Demo

Kelly Kereliuk: The 13th Fret - lessons tab and more

Jason Richardson: with Luke Holland - Omni Playthrough

Jord Otto: My Propane - Waves new single featuring ex Revamp guitarist

John F Klaver: Blues Masterclass: Harmonic Soloing

Scott McGill: Skype Guitar Lessons - Sample Lesson - Jazz Fusion Chords

Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai: The Rageaholic - rock history with teeth - Metal Mythos: ALCATRAZZ and Metal Mythos: YNGWIE MALMSTEEN

George Lynch: The Rageaholic - rock history with teeth - Metal Mythos: DOKKEN