
Sam Birchall: Crazy Chords Weekly Riffage - Strandberg style

Mike Campese: performing his song" Kilauea" from the "Chameleon" album in Kauai,

Widek, ‎Øyvind Owane Pedersen, Paul Wardingham: Satellite - from the stunning new progressive metal album

Mike Salow: messing with an octave pedal

Scott Van Zen: got the Monday Facebook blues again

Brock Davisson: The Emotions We Go Through [ Line 6 Helix]

Sarven Manguiat: GrooveSession perform "Flip It" on EMGtv

Ruslan Bolatov, Anton Davidyants, Aleksandr Murenko: Footprints. - top draw fusion

Josh Martin: Little Tybee's Josh Martin Plays Groups of 5 in 5

John 5: playing his favorite Fender Telecaster here at Norman's Rare Guitars

Adam Bentley: Absently - Entropy new single on bandcamp

Felix Martin: Don't know why - Norah Jones (Tapping / Guitar Arrangement)

Hideaki Yamakado: Transcription of Nikki Yanofsky's "Airmail special"

Achilleas Diamantis: Harmonic Minor Scale Lick

Rick Graham: New Tune - 'Home'

Ulrich Ellison: with theTribe - Live @ De Vorstin, Hilversum

Christophe Godin: Mörglbl China Tour 2017

Ola Englund: End solo Preachers of Death - Ultra HD 50fps

Brev Sullivan: Strandberg Boden chill out metal guitar

Ignazio Di Salvo: Bm Metal backing track solo

Red Frandany: Smooth & Bluesy Groove IMPRO

Sus Vasquez: Slow dancing in a burning room - Guitar improv