
Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix "down the Chimney Blues"

Brock Davisson: Everything ends for a new beginning

Brock Davisson: Jammin' with the Yamaha Revstar rs820cr

Brock Davisson: Hits the Shred Button with Masters Of Shred [shredders Challenge 4]

Brock Davisson, Josh Myers: Line 6 Helix + Kemper "Different Worlds" - Indiegogo campaign too!

Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix "Repent Pentatonic"

Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix & Ibanez Guitars RG3XXV

Brock Davisson: A Silhouette In Space

Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix Synth-O-Matic

Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix "Feels Like I've Been Here Before"

Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix "Purple Rain Improv"

Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix "Valley Swing"

Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix "A New Year"

Brock Davisson: Line 6 Helix "Goodbye Old And Hello New"

Brock Davisson: Slowly Fading away - more amazing over the neck playing

Brock Davisson: Silence In The Fall [line 6 Helix] - tasteful soloing

Brock Davisson: The Emotions We Go Through [ Line 6 Helix]

Brock Davisson: A Shredtastic Morning [LINE 6 HELIX]

Brock Davisson: A Smooth Weekend [line 6 Helix]

Brock Davisson: Kiesel Guitars Solo Contest 2017