
Leonardo Guzman: trailer for new album Now!

Lukasz Kulczak: Jamming over a minor Chord - LuKi

Ioannis Anastassakis: The Power Gambit

Xander Demos: to perform at the Trenton Freedom Fan Experience in New Jersey and NAMM Metal Jam in California.

Thorsten Koehne: Eden's Curse want to know where you would like them to tour

Greg Howe: do you think Greg just noticed the number of friends?

Chris Bieniek: to shred or not to shred that is the question?

Rob Scallon: Theater Girl - new 8 string song

Marcin Duński: hpm ? awesome cool funk fusion... friday... I mean Saturday just got better!

Leo LaPorte: Where the money for you is (or isn't) in digital and social media publishing