Bikini - Ki Visz Haza solo guitar lesson by Daczi Zsolt(RIP)
Daczi Zsolt - Temesvári Vasárnap
Daczi Zsolt - Szólók
Daczi Zsolt Live (Temesvari Vasarnap)2
The tribute web site set up by fans to recognise a very talented and special player: http://www.youtube.com/user/DacziZsoltnak
We showed him these videos -- our interpretation of his solos -- and he liked them. We do hope he's smiling at us right now as our backs bend during learning his solos; as we try to figure them out and play them according to our best knowledge. So, you have set the lesson, Zsolti that's for sure! These videos are for you, Zsolti, we'll never forget you, and will cherish your memory in our hearts forever.
Daczi Zsolt was born June 12, 1969, Kiskunhalas and passed away on August 6, 2007, in Budapest. He was the guitarist for well known Hungarian rock band Bikini and the heavy metal band Omen. He also founded the Carpathia Project and he also played in a heavy metal band called Tirana Rockers. He bravely fought with cancer which took his life earlier this year. The disease left him unable to play guitar towards the end, so we are lucky to see some video clips.
1989-1992: Bikini
1993-1999: Tirana Rockers
1999: Carpathia Project
2002-2007: Omen
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