News: shred bebop lesson

Premier Guitar have posted a cool lesson for you:
This month's lesson is a thrill ride into some melodic and technical depths that we’ve haven’t reached before. Let’s talk about the Mixolydian/dominant Bebop scale. The Bebop scale is commonly used in jazz improvisation and originates from the modes of the major scale. There are three types of Bebop scales: the Bebop dominant, the Bebop major, and the Bebop Dorian. Each has an extra chromatic passing tone. Bebop scales consist of traditional scales with an added passing tone placed such that when the scale is begun on a chord tone and on the downbeat, all other chord tones will also fall on downbeats, with the remaining tones in the scale occurring on the upbeat. Let’s focus on the Bebop dominant where the passing tone is a natural 7, between the b7 and the root and goes great with dominant 7th chords. Off we go…
learn some shred bebop
