Chelsea Constable, Grace Constable: Taylor Guitars - A Tribute to Django Reinhardt - sisters killing it!

Hey everyone, it's Chelsea Constable. Wanted everyone to hear how versatile our amazing Taylor Guitars are! Grace is playing the 812ce (rhythm guitar) and I am playing one of my favorite Taylor's - the amazing 714ce (lead/rhythm guitar). This particular piece is by one of my favorite guitarist, Mr. Django Reinhardt. Hope you enjoy our interpretation of "Rhythm Futur"! A very special thanks to Taylor Guitars, Martin Walters, Tim Altonen, and my sister Grace for holding down the amazing timing in the rhythm on this, not to mention using a thumb-pick to do this with! Also, I added the bass after the fact.
A Tribute to Django Reinhardt - Rhythm Futur - Chelsea and Grace Constable - Taylor Guitars
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