Kelly Kereliuk: Kelly is a Hamilton, Ontario based guitarist and member of PRISMIND, NEGUS (Steve Negus/ ex-Saga) and SYMPHINITY. Aside from over 30 years of playing and almost 25 years of private teaching, he's also participated in many session recordings in various styles. He's also a contributor for the online magazine Horror Metal Sounds, sharing his insights on guitar technique and theory in his column “The 13th Fret”. You can check out Kelly’s work with Prismind and on Facebook here: Or check out his reverbnation page to hear some of his personal projects:
Kelly Kereliuk: Kelly is a Hamilton, Ontario based guitarist and member of PRISMIND, NEGUS (Steve Negus/ ex-Saga) and SYMPHINITY. Aside from over 30 years of playing and almost 25 years of private teaching, he's also participated in many session recordings in various styles. He's also a contributor for the online magazine Horror Metal Sounds, sharing his insights on guitar technique and theory in his column “The 13th Fret”. You can check out Kelly’s work with Prismind and on Facebook here: Or check out his reverbnation page to hear some of his personal projects:
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