Zsolt Galambos: Racer X: Viking Kong - full song lesson

Backing track: 26:37Lesson parts:
1 - 04:53
2 - 06:10
3 - 06:32
4 - 06:48
5 07:48
6 08:46
7 09:37
8 10:20
9 10:53
10 11:38
11 12:01
12 13:04
13 13:16
14 14:10
15 15:06
16 16:00
17 17:06
18 17:28
19 18:22
20 19:19
21 19:47
22 20:18
23 20:51
24 21:27
25 22:27
26 24:35
27 25:00
28 26:21

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Racer X: Viking Kong - full song lesson
