Elliot Freedman: The Elliot Freedman Group - 1st set - 2nd Floor Gastown - 20211106

The 1st (and better) set: "MRI" at ~0:00, "Aire Giordano" at ~6:45, "Ash Saturday" at ~14:30, "Mr Scurlock" at ~21:21, "No Playing' Jayne" at ~27:25, "Quintessence" at ~32:45, "Electric Anthem" at ~39:25, "After The Fall" at ~45:35, "The Anatomy Lesson" at ~53:00, "Evan's Seven" at ~58:40, plus as solo tunes "Summertime" and "The Peacocks"
Thanks for listening!
The Elliot Freedman Group - "Very, very good avant fusion" (Guitar Player magazine)
Elliot Freedman - nylon- + steel-string baritone guitars, and synth chords via MIDI pedals
Ashlin Richardson - bass
Paul Mason - drums

Elliot Freedman: The Elliot Freedman Group - 1st set - 2nd Floor Gastown - 20211106
