Marcel Coenen: Still Bleeding - Joyce Dijkgraaf R.I.P.

Here a playthrough of the song "Still Bleeding" that can be found on Marcel's second solo album "Colour Journey" that came out in 2006.

The song has vocals by Joyce Dijkgraaf (R.I.P.)
I included her lyrics in the video as well.

Drums: Hans In T Zandt
Bass: Richard Ritterbeeks
Guitar and Keys: Marcel Coenen / Rene Kroon

Song writing, arrangements, mix and master done by Marcel Coenen.

Equipment used:

Fractal FM9, Fractal EV-1, Cort X500 Menace

Daw: Studio One 6 Professional
Videoediting: MovAvi 2022
Video recorded with my phone ;)

Marcel Coenen - Still Bleeding Playthrough and Lyrics
