Richie Kotsen, Adrian Smith: Smith/Kotzen - Hate and Love on August 12, 2022 Adrian Smith Richie Kotsen +
Adrian Smith,Richie Kotzen: Smith/Kotzen LIVE IN VEGAS 01/22/2022 on February 01, 2022 Adrian Smith Richie Kotzen +
Adrian Smith, Richie Kotzen: Running (Official Lyric Video) on March 11, 2021 Adrian Smith Richie Kotzen +
Adrian Smith, Richie Kotzen: Smith/Kotzen - Taking My Chances (Official Video) on January 30, 2021 Adrian Smith Richie Kotzen +
Guthrie Govan, Adrian Smith: play prog classics with Royal Philharmonic on April 04, 2015 Adrian Smith Guthrie Govan +