
Doug Steele: Frankenverse 7 string neck unboxing video

Doug Steele: Ibanez RG7620 Bumblebee

Doug Steele: History of EVH Charvel Star

Doug Steele: Alarum - In Spiral Sweeps

Doug Steele: Finger Banger Twister exercise

Doug Steele: My Mob Rules solos - recording session and spliced solo

Doug Steele, Ben Quirk: Valley of Fire - with BEERS!! All in the line of duty for Jason Becker

Doug Steele: Spotlight Column: Joshua Jones - sizzling rock metal performances

Rohan Stevenson, Doug Steele: The DougFCKNSteele Show (LIVE): Ro Han - I Built The Sky

Doug Steele: Guitar improv over Em backing track - smoking soloing!

Doug Steele: Shred Durst: I is back!! Helping Toastin Assassi

Doug Steele: Small A Minor sweeps for Metal Guitar

Doug Steele: series of recent videos with some awesome metal soloing techniques explained

Doug Steele: The cool thing about guitar - aka why I like Doug Steele

Doug Steele: Sabbath Mob Rules guitar lesson - the key of rock

Doug Steele: Dokken - Tooth N Nail song dissection

Doug Steele: Dokken - It's not love song and Just got Lucky

Doug Steele,Gary McKay: Flatstick on Bandcamp!

Doug Steele: George Lynch: two string pentatonic boxes

Doug Steele: Lynchisms - She's so Evil but She's Mine chord discussion