
Jose Macario: Ladrones -insane looking guitar!

Jose Macario: Neural DSP Archetype Cory Wong

Jose Macario: Neural DSP Archetype Abasi + Strandberg 9 string custom

Richard Henshall, Jose Macario: Momentos Solo

Jose Macario, Oscar Santa Cruz Zamarron: plays Acros

Jose Macario: Boom Bap Solo

Soumia Ghechami, Jose Macario: Melodic Jam and Modern Metal Solo Collab

Ando San, Jose Macario: Moxie - thumpingly good playing

Jose Macario: Recording bass lines with one of the best instruments I've played in my life.

Jose Macario: Chordinero - the most flexible capo on earth?

Jose Macario, Soumia Ghechami: Modern Metal Solo Collab

Jose Macario: cool jazz

Jose Macario: Strandberg OS8 Classic and Metal Guitar

Jose Macario.- ... One word, incredible

Jose Macario: Flamenco 8 string

Jose Macario: Parazit New Album 2017

Jose Macario: wins Strandberg Guitar Competition 2016

Jose Macario: Strandberg Guitar Competition 2016

Jose Macario: Thrilling thumb technique - Strandberg Guitar Competition 2016

Jose Macario: proving that 8 string fingerstyle doesn't need to djent