
Joe Satriani: lims 2008

News: guitar idol rules update for heat 2 and 3

News: simons cat

News: USA tops the list of shred hungry guitar fans!

Fernando Miyata: tops this years page views at truth in shredding

John 5: guitar lessons and interview in a hot tub!

Greg Howe: namm gig details

Gustavo Guerra: guitar idol winner is front page news

Alexandre Bicudo: free pedroni clinic

Prashant Aswani: christina milian and more

News: guitar idol heat 1 vote close date

News: another shred guitar blog!

Gustavo Guerra: the price of fame!

Francesco Congia: more blues jam tracks

Lalle Larsson: a nightmare before christmas

Paul Gilbert: i cannot tell a lie!

Freddie Nelson: paul gilbert and united nations metalichika interview

News: christmas time is the time for sharing

Paul Gilbert: united states official bootlegs or not?

Paul Gilbert: lick library interview

Marshall Harrison: cosmic peanut theory

Yngwie Malmsteen: blistering interview