
David Locke: Quantum Leap Theme and Laboga Alligator 50 Head

John Goodsall: Macrocosm

Marcos De Ros: Secret video The Beginning

Alex Milella, Virgil Donati:Protocosmos (2011)

Adrianne Simioni: Mark Varney seal of approval

Tommy Henriksen: joins Orange Amp roster

Adam Nolly Getgood, Petey Graves: interview and instructional video

Paul Gilbert: Racer X... the force is strong in this one

Stephan Forte: The Shadows Compendium CD details

Daniele Gottardo, Greg Howe: Eddie Lang Jazz Festival 2011

Atma Anur,Jason Becker: i'll play on at least 25 songs with some of the best guitarists in the biz

Jason Becker: join the group that matters!

Andy James: Looking sharp