
Richie Kotzen: three night stand set for the Iridium!!!

Jacqueline Mannering: practices to become the worlds Fastest Female Guitarist

Josephine Soegijanty-Draven: Axe Gang Iraon Maiden

News: Truth In Shredding 1.6 million visitors!

Yngwie Malmsteen: Little savage - live 1985

Carlos Hernández: New Years Shred Off Competition 2012

Eric Gales: special for Magneto Guitars

Mika Tyyskä: Mr. Fastfinger announces new CD!

News: Alfred Music Publishing - Serious Shred Series

Aleksey Leonov: acoustic tapping

Ben Konstantinovic: acoustic piano tapping guitar

Anvar Azizov: Spring melody - Acoustic guitar tapping

Richie Kotzen: You can't save me - Artistic interpretation by Steven Lyon