
Mark Holcomb: Periphery - lines up in-store guitar clinics

Remy Hansen: Recording Guitars in the studio

Morgan Pettersson: Guitaronsky Shredding Contest II - great ripping!

Sergio Paganini: cultural contest Santo Angelo

Martin Miller: An End in Itself - super classy fusion!

Barrett Tagliarino: live improvised solo

Scott Mosher,Vivien Lalu,Chris Rifkin: new Oceans of Night release update

Jess Lewis: Pig - This Town Needs Guns

Eric Calderone: 100 videos and 61,733,299 video views

Milan Polak: Tracking Guitars Song #7

Tom Geldschläger: The Conservation Of Angular Momentum - awesome performance

Nicolò Vedele: Late Night by Frank Gambale

Francesco Artusato: Howard Jones Ex-Killswitch Engage starts a new project

Laura Klinkert: Super cover of The Reaction

Russell Allen,Simone Mularoni,Jorn Viggo Lofstad: DGM momentum - new album release date

Adrian Galysh: Tone Poet - the new project

Yoshimitsu Murayama: Sentimental Journey - more great jazz!

Marty Young: Gift and Star With You

John Browne,Olly Steele: Monuments - The Paris show

Tom Richardson: Djunkology TQ105 jam

Marty Young: guitar mad crowd go to the Jason Becker movie!

Milan Polak: Tracking Guitars Song #6